Choo Choo Survivor
Rank: 12855 von 115525 Spielen

AppID: 2336200
Typ: game
Plattformen: Windows Mac
Release Date: 2023-06-26

Spielzeit aller Spieler in der Datenbank: 69 Stunden
Erreichte Errungenschaften: 1499
Durchschnittliche Errungenschaften pro Spieler: 56 / 186

Aktueller Preis: 2.99€
Niedrigster Preis: 2.24€

27 Spieler*
6 Spieler online

Very Positive
87% Positive Reviews
445 Positive Reviews
67 Negative Reviews

Drive your train to safety while shooting down endless hordes of zombies blocking your way. Upgrade your weapons and abilities and become absurdly powerful!

186 verfügbare Errungenschaften

1 CITIZEN ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 500 of these zombies in one run 19 88.5%
2 TALL ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 500 of these zombies in one run 19 85.9%
3 GOLD HOARDER Collect ten gold pallets in a single run 20 84.8%
4 GUN RUNNER Collect ten upgrade pallets in a single run 19 80.7%
5 DIESEL BARON Collect ten diesel pallets in a single run 19 79.6%
6 JUMPER ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 100 of these zombies in one run 19 79.3%
7 TRAIN OF STEEL Collect ten steel (health) pallets in a single run 19 78.3%
8 TOUGH ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 300 of these zombies in one run 19 77.7%
9 WALKER ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 100 of these zombies in one run 19 77%
10 SUPER SPECIAL Collect ten special pallets in one run 19 74.8%
11 MUNCHER ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 20 of these zombies in one run 18 73%
12 AXE ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 80 of these zombies in one run 18 72.7%
13 ALL ABOARD Rescued 15 Survivors in a single run. 19 72.3%
14 EXP MAGNET Unlock the special EXP Magnet pallet 18 71.7%
15 DRONE Combat drone unlocked 18 67.3%
16 FIFTH WEAPON Locomotive can have up to five weapons 19 65.3%
17 NEVER STOP LEARNING Max amount of exp gained from every exp node 18 61%
18 MAX WEAPON DAMAGE Additional weapon damage upgraded to maximum 15 59.3%
19 MONEY TREE Double gold earned on every pallet 17 57.3%
20 TOUGH TUNNEL ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 300 of these zombies in one run 12 54.8%
21 TUNNEL ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 500 of these zombies in one run 12 54.7%
22 MAX HEALTH Locomotive health upgraded to maximum 15 54.6%
23 AUTO REPAIR Health regeneration upgraded to maximum 15 54.6%
24 CRAZY AXE BOSS DESTOYER You defeated 10 of this boss zombie 15 53%
25 TNT ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 200 of these zombies in one run 12 52.8%
26 TOP SPEED Locomotive can drive up to 10m/s 13 52.7%
27 TALL TUNNEL ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 500 of these zombies in one run 12 52.7%
28 TUNNEL WALKER ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 500 of these zombies in one run 12 52.4%
29 SLEDGE HAMMER ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 120 of these zombies in one run 12 52.1%
30 SERIOUS UPGRADE Upgrade to have the maximum initial upgrade points 13 52%
31 ATTRACTED TO LEARNING Collect 3 EXP Magnet Pallets in a single run 16 51.5%
32 WAREHOUSE ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 15 of these zombies in one run 16 51%
33 PALLET PUSHER Pallets move at maximum speed 12 50.7%
34 CHAMPION DIESEL ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVE Win any stage with the Diesel Electric Locomotive 12 50.5%
35 MAX ACCELERATION Locomotive upgraded to max acceleration 11 50.3%
36 BOULDER ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 30 of these zombies in one run 12 50%
37 AIR STRIKE Unlock the special Air Strike pallet 12 49.9%
38 CRUSHER Locomotive upgraded to have max crushing damage 13 49.2%
39 SLIME ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 15 of these zombies in one run 17 49.2%
40 SMOKE ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 15 of these zombies in one run 17 49.2%
41 THORN ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 15 of these zombies in one run 17 49.2%
42 SCREAMZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 15 of these zombies in one run 17 49.2%
43 SPIDER ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 15 of these zombies in one run 17 49.2%
44 STEAM LOCOMOTIVE Unlock the Steam Locomotive 14 47.3%
45 PIERCING BULLETS You found a Piercing Bullets Relic. Positive Effect of Relic: Double weapon damage. Negative Effect of Relic: -50% knock back 14 46.3%
46 NOT SO TOUGH BOSS DESTROYER You defeated 10 of this boss zombie 14 46.1%
47 AMAZING_PLANNING You found a Amazing Planning Relic. Positive Effect of Relic: Double upgrade points collected. Negative Effect of Relic: None 15 45.9%
48 BOMBARDMENT You found a Bombardment Relic. Positive Effect of Relic: +10% area of effect. Negative Effect of Relic: None 13 45%
49 TAKE ALL SURVIVORS You found a Take All Survivors Relic. Positive Effect of Relic: Gain 3 survivors when a survivor is rescued. Negative Effect of Relic: Half survivor movement speed 13 45%
50 MAX EXP MAGNET DURATION EXP Magnet duration upgraded to maximum 12 44.7%
51 LEGENDARY COW CATCHER You found a Legendary Cow Catcher Relic. Positive Effect of Relic: Double crush damage. Negative Effect of Relic: None 14 44.6%
52 PRECISE SHOT You found a Precise Shot Relic. Positive Effect of Relic: Double weapon damage. Negative Effect of Relic: -15% Fire Rate 15 44.2%
53 ALTERNATE ENERGY You found a Alternate Energy Relic. Positive Effect of Relic: Diesel consumption halved. Negative Effect of Relic: None 17 44%
54 INTELLIGENT You found a Intelligent Relic. Positive Effect of Relic: +5% EXP gain. Negative Effect of Relic: None 10 43.7%
55 LEVEL 100 You reached level 100! 11 43.3%
56 DRONE MODKIT You found a Drone Modkit Relic. Positive Effect of Relic: Double drone damage. Negative Effect of Relic: None 15 43.1%
57 CLASS 43 HST UNLOCKED Unlock the Class 43 HST Locomotive 13 43.1%
58 COP ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 500 of these zombies in one run 11 42.9%
59 SUBURBAN ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 500 of these zombies in one run 11 42.9%
60 BULLET STORM You found a Bullet Storm Relic. Positive Effect of Relic: +20% fire rate. Negative Effect of Relic: -10% weapon damage 13 42.7%
61 MWH LOCOMOTIVE UNLOCKED Unlock the MWH Steam Locomotive 12 42.6%
62 FAT ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 100 of these zombies in one run 11 42.5%
63 BUNKER SECOND WEAPON Upgraded Bunker to have second shotgun 14 42.4%
64 RECKLESS You found a Reckless Relic. Positive Effect of Relic: +30% weapon area of effect. Negative Effect of Relic: -50% health regeneration 14 41.9%
65 GRONK LOCOMOTIVE UNLOCKED Unlock the "Gronk" Shunting Locomotive 13 41.9%
66 SLASHER ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 100 of these zombies in one run 10 41.8%
67 MAX AIR STRIKE DURATION Air strike duration upgraded to maximum 12 41.8%
68 PUNK ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 450 of these zombies in one run 10 41.7%
69 AC4400 LOCOMOTIVE UNLOCKED Unlock the AC4400 Class of Locomotive 12 41.7%
70 BOXER ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 300 of these zombies in one run 8 40.8%
71 GATHER EVERYTHING You found a Gather Everything Relic. Positive Effect of Relic: Double pallet speed. Negative Effect of Relic: -10% Max train speed 13 40.4%
72 RACER You found a Racer Relic. Positive Effect of Relic: Triple acceleration. Negative Effect of Relic: -10% max train health 14 40.1%
73 GREED You found a Greed Relic. Positive Effect of Relic: Double gold collected. Negative Effect of Relic: +25% zombie health 12 39.9%
74 MACHINE GUN EXPLOSIVE BULLET You upgraded the machine gun to have bullets that can explode 13 39.8%
75 SLOW AND STEADY You found a Slow and Steady Relic. Positive Effect of Relic: Double max health. Negative Effect of Relic: Max speed reduced by 10% 9 39.7%
76 MAX CRITICAL STRIKE DURATION Critical strike duration upgraded to maximum 11 39.2%
77 WRECKER ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 30 of these zombies in one run 8 38.5%
78 CRITICAL STRIKE Unlock the Critical Strike pallet. All damage multiplied 3x for a limited duration. 7 38.4%
79 CHAINSAW ZOMBIE DESTROYER You defeated this boss zombie that emerged from the mysterious shipping container 6 38%
80 FORTRESS You found a Fortress Relic. Positive Effect of Relic: Double upgrade points collected. Negative Effect of Relic: +25% zombie health 10 37.6%
81 MAX WRECKING BALL DURATION Bouncy wrecking ball duration upgraded to max 11 37.6%
82 FOREST MONSTROSITY BOSS DESTROYER You defeated 10 of this boss zombie 9 37.4%
83 AWESOME AIR POWER Collect 3 Airstrike Pallets in a single run 10 37.1%
84 ENRAGED ZOMBIES You found a Enraged Zombies Relic. Positive Effect of Relic: Double weapon inertia. Negative Effect of Relic: +50% zombie speed 12 34.5%
85 MAX ORBITAL STRIKE DURATION Orbital Strike duration upgraded to maximum 10 34.3%
86 SHOCKWAVE DURATION Shockwave duration upgraded to maximum 10 33%
87 CHAMPION SURVIVOR FOREST OF THE DEAD You survived for 35 minutes in Forest of the Dead! Normal Mode Difficulty. 7 32.3%
88 FULL ZOMBIES You found a Full Zombies Relic. Positive Effect of Relic: Half zombie speed. Negative Effect of Relic: +25% zombie health 10 32.2%
89 SHOTGUN POISON BULLET You upgraded the shotgun to have bullets that can inject poison 7 32.2%
90 MECHANIC You found a Mechanic Relic. Positive Effect of Relic: Triple health regeneration. Negative Effect of Relic: -10% weapon damage 11 31.4%
91 INSANO TNT BOSS DESTROYER You defeated 10 of this boss zombie 8 30.5%
92 SUPER ACCURATE Collect 2 Critical Strike Pallets in a single run 6 30.2%
93 CLASS 8P LOCOMOTIVE UNLOCKED Unlock the Class 8P locomotive 9 29.9%
94 TOMMY GUN STUN BULLET You upgraded the Tommy gun to have bullets that can stun 9 29.8%
95 FP7 LOCOMOTIVE UNLOCKED Unlock the FP7 Class of locomotive 10 28.7%
96 SCHOLAR You found a Scholar Relic. Positive Effect of Relic: +30% EXP Gain. Negative Effect of Relic: -50% Gold collected 6 28.2%
97 EXPLODING BARREL ZOMBIE DESTROYER You defeated this boss zombie that emerged from the mysterious shipping container 5 27.9%
98 POWERFUL TUNNEL BOSS DESTROYER You defeated 10 of this boss zombie 6 27.6%
99 BB 67000 LOCOMOTIVE UNLOCKED Unlock the BB 67000 Class of locomotive 9 27.4%
100 SPEEDRUN FOREST OF THE DEAD Complete the Forest of the Dead stage in less than 10 minutes 6 26.7%
101 BOUNCY WRECKING BALL Unlock the Bouncy Wrecking Ball pallet. Hit the ball with your mouse cursor and see it smash those zombies! 6 26.2%
102 MAD BEHOLDER BOSS DESTROYER You defeated 10 of this boss zombie 6 25.7%
103 AUTO GOLD AND UPGRADE PULLER You've purchased a permanent upgrade to automatically pull in gold and upgrade pallets. 5 25.2%
104 DRG CLASS 05 LOCOMOTIVE UNLOCKED Unlock the DRG Class 05 Locomotive 3 24.7%
105 PUNK BOSS DESTROYER You defeated 10 of this boss zombie 5 23.8%
106 SPEEDRUN TUNNEL OF THE DEAD Complete the Tunnel of the Dead stage in less than 10 minutes 6 23.7%
107 FARMER ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 500 of these zombies in one run 4 23.3%
108 SHOVEL ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 500 of these zombies in one run 4 23.3%
109 CHAMPION SURVIVOR TUNNEL OF THE DEAD You survived for 35 minutes in Tunnel of the Dead! Normal Mode Difficulty. 5 23.3%
110 SPEEDRUN CITY OF THE DEAD Complete the City of the Dead stage in less than 10 minutes 6 23.1%
111 MOTORCYCLE ZOMBIE DESTROYER You defeated this boss zombie that emerged from the mysterious shipping container 3 23%
112 TRACTOR ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 100 of these zombies in one run 4 22.9%
113 CHAMPION CLASSIC STEAM LOCOMOTIVE Win any stage with the Classic Steam Locomotive 6 22.8%
114 MAD JUMPER BOSS DESTROYER You defeated 10 of this boss zombie 5 22.7%
115 PITCHFORK ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 300 of these zombies in one run 4 22.7%
116 GP38 LOCOMOTIVE UNLOCKED Unlock the GP38 Locomotive 3 22.7%
117 SCYTHE ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 450 of these zombies in one run 4 22.4%
118 SPIDER SCYTHE ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 100 of these zombies in one run 4 22%
119 WRECKER Collect 2 Wrecking Ball Pallets in a single run 6 21.8%
120 PERMANENT EXPERIENCE MAGNET You've purchased a permanent upgrade to automatically pull in experience gems. 4 21.8%
121 URBAN MONSTROSITY BOSS DESTROYER You defeated 10 of this boss zombie 4 21.4%
122 COMBINE HARVESTER ZOMBIE DESTROYER You defeated this boss zombie that emerged from the mysterious shipping container 3 21.2%
123 CHAMPION MILWAUKEE ROAD CLASS A Win any stage with the Milwaukee Road Class A 5 20.6%
124 CHAMPION SURVIVOR CITY OF THE DEAD You survived for 35 minutes in City of the Dead! Normal Mode Difficulty. 4 20.5%
125 BALE ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 30 of these zombies in one run 2 20.2%
126 CHAMPION GRONK SHUNTER Win any stage with the Gronk Shunter 3 19.9%
127 ORBITAL STRIKE Unlock Orbital Strike by accomplishing achievements. Unleash heavy damage on the zombie horde! 5 19.4%
128 CHAMPION Class 43 HST Win any stage with the Class 43 HST 6 19%
129 SOUNDED THE HORN You sounded the horn or bell on your locomotive while driving along! 7 18.4%
130 CHAMPION AC4400 Win any stage with the AC4400 4 17.9%
131 SHOCKWAVE Unlocked Shockwave by accomplishing achievements. Effortly shove aside zombies including bosses. 4 16.8%
132 OFFICER ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 500 of these zombies in one run 2 16.5%
133 PRIVATE ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 500 of these zombies in one run 2 16.5%
134 SPACE LINK Collect 1 Orbital Strike Pallets in a single run 5 16.4%
135 CHAMPION CLASS 8P STREAMLINED Win any stage with the Class 8P 5 16.4%
136 CHAMPION DRG CLASS 05 Win any stage with DRG Class 05 2 16.4%
137 GENERAL ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 80 of these zombies in one run 1 16.2%
138 GRENADE ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 100 of these zombies in one run 1 16.2%
139 SERGEANT ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 300 of these zombies in one run 1 16.2%
140 MOTORCYCLE BAZOOKA ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 80 of these zombies in one run 1 16.1%
141 GRENADE LAUNCHER ZOMBIE DESTROYER You defeated this boss zombie that emerged from the mysterious shipping container 1 15.7%
142 JEEP THROWING ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 20 of these zombies in one run 0 15.3%
143 PITCHFORK BOSS DESTROYER You defeated 10 of this boss zombie 1 15.1%
144 MAKE WAY Collect 1 Shockwave Pallets in a single run 4 14.8%
145 CHAMPION FP7 Win any stage with the Class FP7 6 14.6%
146 HARD MODE FOREST OF THE DEAD You completed Forest of the Dead in hard mode! 5 14.6%
147 BALE THROWER BOSS DESTROYER You defeated 10 of this boss zombie 1 14.3%
148 REAPER BOSS DESTROYER You defeated 10 of this boss zombie 1 13.9%
149 CHAMPION GP38 Win any stage with GP38 2 12.7%
150 CHAMPION SURVIVOR FIELDS OF THE DEAD You survived for 35 minutes in Fields of the Dead! Normal Mode Difficulty. 1 12.2%
151 MAJOR BOSS DESTROYER You defeated 10 of this boss zombie 0 11.3%
152 CHAMPION BB 67000 Win any stage with the Class BB 67000 5 11%
153 GRENADE BOSS DESTROYER You defeated 10 of this boss zombie 0 10.9%
154 TANK BOSS DESTROYER You defeated 10 of this boss zombie 0 10.7%
155 SPEEDRUN FIELDS OF THE DEAD Complete the Fields of the Dead stage in less than 10 minutes 4 10.6%
156 HARD MODE TUNNEL OF THE DEAD You completed Tunnel of the Dead in hard mode! 2 10.5%
157 HARD MODE CHAMPION SURVIVOR FOREST OF THE DEAD You survived for 35 minutes in Forest of the Dead on Hard Mode! 2 9.9%
158 CHAMPION SURVIVOR ARMY OF THE DEAD You survived for 35 minutes in Army of the Dead! Normal Mode Difficulty. 0 9.5%
159 SPEEDRUN ARMY OF THE DEAD Complete the Army of the Dead stage in less than 10 minutes 1 9%
160 HARD MODE CITY OF THE DEAD You completed City of the Dead in hard mode! 1 9%
161 KIHA183 LOCOMOTIVE UNLOCKED Unlock the KiHa 183 0 8.5%
162 GP9 LOCOMOTIVE UNLOCKED Unlock the GP9 0 8.4%
163 SPOTTER ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 500 of these zombies in one run 0 8%
164 TECHNICIAN ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 500 of these zombies in one run 0 8%
165 HARD MODE CHAMPION SURVIVOR TUNNEL OF THE DEAD You survived for 35 minutes in Tunnel of the Dead on Hard Mode! 1 8%
166 DRIVER ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 100 of these zombies in one run 0 7.9%
167 MAINTAINER ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 300 of these zombies in one run 0 7.8%
168 HANDCAR ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 80 of these zombies in one run 0 7.7%
169 CHOO CHOO OF THE DEAD DESTROYER You defeated the Choo Choo of the Dead boss! 0 7.7%
170 WAGON THROWER ZOMBIE DESTROYER You defeated this boss zombie that emerged from the mysterious shipping container 0 7.6%
171 CONTAINER THROWING ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 20 of these zombies in one run 0 7.4%
172 CABOOSE THROWING ZOMBIE DESTROYER Defeated 20 of these zombies in one run 0 7.3%
173 HARD MODE CHAMPION SURVIVOR CITY OF THE DEAD You survived for 35 minutes in City of the Dead on Hard Mode! 1 7.1%
174 CHAMPION KIHA183 Win any stage with KiHa 183 0 6.9%
175 HARD MODE FIELDS OF THE DEAD You completed Fields of the Dead in hard mode! 1 6.9%
176 HARD MODE ARMY OF THE DEAD You completed Army of the Dead in hard mode! 0 6.2%
177 MAINTAINER BOSS DESTROYER You defeated 10 of this boss zombie 0 5.9%
178 HARD MODE CHAMPION SURVIVOR FIELDS OF THE DEAD You survived for 35 minutes in Fields of the Dead on Hard Mode! 1 5.9%
179 MAD CABOOSE BOSS DESTROYER You defeated 10 of this boss zombie 0 5.8%
180 GRAFFITI BOSS DESTROYER You defeated 10 of this boss zombie 0 5.7%
181 CHAMPION GP9 Win any stage with GP9 0 5.6%
182 HARD MODE CHAMPION SURVIVOR ARMY OF THE DEAD You survived for 35 minutes in Army of the Dead on Hard Mode! 0 5.4%
183 CHAMPION SURVIVOR CHOO CHOO OF THE DEAD You survived for 35 minutes in Choo Choo of the Dead! Normal Mode Difficulty. 0 5.1%
184 SPEEDRUN CHOO CHOO OF THE DEAD Complete the Choo Choo of the Dead stage in less than 10 minutes 0 4.9%
185 HARD MODE CHOO CHOO OF THE DEAD You completed Choo Choo of the Dead in hard mode! 0 4%
186 HARD MODE CHAMPION SURVIVOR CHOO CHOO OF THE DEAD You survived for 35 minutes in Choo Choo of the Dead on Hard Mode! 0 3.6%