Love n Life: Lucky Teacher
Rank: 44988 von 115089 Spielen

AppID: 2445340
Typ: Game
Plattformen: Windows
Release Date: 2024-01-31

Spielzeit aller Spieler in der Datenbank: 0 Stunden
Erreichte Errungenschaften: 0
Durchschnittliche Errungenschaften pro Spieler: 0 / 32

Aktueller Preis: 8.79€
Niedrigster Preis: 5.27€

1 Spieler*
89 Spieler online

Very Positive
92% Positive Reviews
961 Positive Reviews
83 Negative Reviews

After the pandemic Covitch69, you lost your job as a space aviation expert and now become a teacher in a small town. Luckily, every cloud has a silver lining as you are stepping into a world where love blooms unexpectedly and leads you to captivating ladies with immersive romantic tales.

20 available Items

#ImageNamePoint Cost
1 The Dedicated Students 2000
2 The Complicated Sisters 2000
3 The Office Ladies 2000
4 The Simple Girls 2000
5 The Dedicated Students 500
6 The Complicated Sisters 500
7 The Office Ladies 500
8 :HuhWhatsGoingOn: 100
9 :ThisMakesMeSad: 100
10 :IAppreciateYouALot: 100
11 :HappyToSeeYouSmile: 100
12 :IwillGetitDoneforYou: 100
13 Liu Xinyi 3000
14 Sato Yuriko 3000
15 Sato Himari 3000
16 Masumi Ishida 3000
17 Miyazaki Hisae 3000
18 Yurihime Fumi 3000
19 Shikamori Himiko 3000
20 Kimura Rina 3000