Unreal Lust Theory

Rank: 45031 von 115740 Spielen

AppID: 2573100
Typ: Game
Release Date:

Spielzeit aller Spieler in der Datenbank: 0 Stunden
Erreichte Errungenschaften: 13
Durchschnittliche Errungenschaften pro Spieler: 13 / 17

Aktueller Preis: 0€
Niedrigster Preis: 0€

1 Spieler*
3 Spieler online

Mostly Positive
74% Positive Reviews
191 Positive Reviews
67 Negative Reviews

17 verfügbare Errungenschaften

1 Play in the Sandbox! Started the game in Sandbox mode. 97.3%
2 They are my... Chose relationships with the girls. 79.2%
3 Explorer! Explored the whole house. 66.9%
4 Beautiful pics. Opened the gallery for the first time. 64.9%
5 Eggs and bacon, baby! Ate your favorite meal of them all! 53.2%
6 Such Panic! Much office! Used the panic button for the first time. 50.7%
7 Turn me on. Turned the TV on for the first time. 45.5%
8 Master finder! 26.9%
9 Nostalgia? Played the song from the original game on the radio. 24.7%
10 Full Viewer Sat through the whole main menu video. 22.5%
11 We appreciate you. Watched the credits and the special thank you section. 20.8%
12 Easter eggs! Found 15 hidden eggs around the house. 18.8%
13 Shiny! 16.8%
14 UwU? No screenshot, no problem. 13.6%
15 Happy Halloween! Completed all Halloween quests. 7.3%
16 Let there be light! Tried turning the lights on or off. 5.8%
17 O Christmas Tree... Gathered all the decorations and completed the Christmas tree to light up the holiday spirit! 4.4%