Rank: 1167 von 115740 Spielen

AppID: 339800
Typ: Game
Entwickler: HuniePot
Publisher: HuniePot
Plattformen: Windows Mac Linux
Release Date: 2015-01-19

Spielzeit aller Spieler in der Datenbank: 4374 Stunden
Erreichte Errungenschaften: 1782
Durchschnittliche Errungenschaften pro Spieler: 4 / 20

Aktueller Preis: 9.75€
Niedrigster Preis: 1.95€

450 Spieler*
82 Spieler online

Overwhelmingly Positive
96% Positive Reviews
29297 Positive Reviews
1201 Negative Reviews

HuniePop is a unique sim experience for PC, Mac and Linux. It's a gameplay first approach that's part dating sim, part puzzle game, with light RPG elements, a visual novel style of presentation, an abrasive western writing style and plenty of "plot".

20 verfügbare Errungenschaften

1 There May Be Hope Have your first successful date with a girl. 254 88.2%
2 V-card Revoked Spend the night with a girl for the first time. 205 75.3%
3 DTF: Date the Fairy 202 74.3%
4 Bestiality 121 49.5%
5 Ayy Lmao 123 47.9%
6 Heavenly Body 129 47.5%
7 Truest Player Spend the night with the goddess of love. 118 43.5%
8 Alpha Give Kyu ALL the pairs of panties after she asks for them. 91 28.9%
9 Make the Move While on a date, earn 2000 or more Affection in a single move. 84 28.9%
10 Pickup Artist Spend the night with a girl within 4 days. 55 15.8%
11 Quickie Successfully complete a date with at least 20 Moves remaining. 69 12.2%
12 Alpha Champ Successfully complete 5 dates while in Alpha Mode. 47 9%
13 Money Bags Max out both your Munie and Hunie. 45 7.8%
14 Alpha Master Successfully complete 10 dates while in Alpha Mode. 41 6.6%
15 Sobriety Spend the night with ALL the girls without giving any of them an alcoholic drink. 38 6.5%
16 Smooth as F*ck Spend the night with ALL the girls without failing a single date. 35 6%
17 Zero Life Earn a 100% completion rate. 37 5%
18 Lucky Loser Spend the night with 3 girls without upgrading any of your traits. 31 4.2%
19 Pickup Legend Spend the night with ALL the girls within 18 days. 29 3.8%
20 Buying Love Spend the night with ALL the girls without talking with any of them. 28 3.6%