Name | Wert |
Chaos Chamber_played | 1 |
Chaos Chamber_score | 28098 |
Chaos Chamber_skulls | 2 |
Chaos Chamber_time | 752 |
Chaos Chamber_won | 1 |
Chokepoint_played | 2 |
Chokepoint_riftpointslost | 11 |
Chokepoint_score | 70194 |
Chokepoint_skulls | 3 |
Chokepoint_time | 512 |
Chokepoint_won | 2 |
Corner_played | 2 |
Corner_playednightmare | 2 |
Corner_restartednightmare | 1 |
Corner_riftpointslost | 1 |
Corner_score | 46885 |
Corner_scorenightmare | 75600 |
Corner_skulls | 5 |
Corner_skullsnightmare | 5 |
Corner_time | 376 |
Corner_timenightmare | 359 |
Corner_won | 2 |
Corner_wonnightmare | 1 |
Finale_played | 1 |
Finale_riftpointslost | 1 |
Finale_score | 40702 |
Finale_skulls | 2 |
Finale_time | 1083 |
Finale_won | 1 |
Gateway_played | 1 |
Gateway_riftpointslost | 4 |
Gateway_score | 37026 |
Gateway_skulls | 2 |
Gateway_time | 783 |
Gateway_won | 1 |
Hallway_played | 2 |
Hallway_playednightmare | 1 |
Hallway_score | 24434 |
Hallway_scorenightmare | 32405 |
Hallway_skulls | 5 |
Hallway_skullsnightmare | 5 |
Hallway_time | 209 |
Hallway_timenightmare | 209 |
Hallway_won | 2 |
Hallway_wonnightmare | 1 |
Hard Climb_played | 1 |
Hard Climb_score | 44905 |
Hard Climb_skulls | 2 |
Hard Climb_time | 809 |
Hard Climb_won | 1 |
Killing Fields_played | 1 |
Killing Fields_score | 57681 |
Killing Fields_skulls | 2 |
Killing Fields_time | 961 |
Killing Fields_won | 1 |
Library_played | 1 |
Library_riftpointslost | 7 |
Library_score | 35309 |
Library_skulls | 2 |
Library_time | 751 |
Library_won | 1 |
Lunch Break_played | 2 |
Lunch Break_riftpointslost | 7 |
Lunch Break_score | 58514 |
Lunch Break_skulls | 3 |
Lunch Break_time | 717 |
Lunch Break_won | 2 |
Overpass_failednightmare | 2 |
Overpass_played | 2 |
Overpass_playednightmare | 3 |
Overpass_restartednightmare | 1 |
Overpass_riftpointslost | 4 |
Overpass_score | 32793 |
Overpass_skulls | 4 |
Overpass_time | 362 |
Overpass_won | 2 |
Rebirth_played | 1 |
Rebirth_riftpointslost | 4 |
Rebirth_score | 28335 |
Rebirth_skulls | 2 |
Rebirth_time | 639 |
Rebirth_won | 1 |
Sludge Hole_failed | 1 |
Sludge Hole_played | 3 |
Sludge Hole_riftpointslost | 9 |
Sludge Hole_score | 42057 |
Sludge Hole_skulls | 3 |
Sludge Hole_time | 451 |
Sludge Hole_won | 2 |
Stairs of Doom_played | 2 |
Stairs of Doom_riftpointslost | 16 |
Stairs of Doom_score | 115622 |
Stairs of Doom_skulls | 3 |
Stairs of Doom_time | 821 |
Stairs of Doom_won | 2 |
Stream_played | 3 |
Stream_riftpointslost | 7 |
Stream_score | 65772 |
Stream_skulls | 4 |
Stream_time | 676 |
Stream_won | 3 |
The Arena_played | 1 |
The Arena_score | 36804 |
The Arena_skulls | 2 |
The Arena_time | 502 |
The Arena_won | 1 |
The Balcony_played | 1 |
The Balcony_riftpointslost | 5 |
The Balcony_score | 31189 |
The Balcony_skulls | 2 |
The Balcony_time | 747 |
The Balcony_won | 1 |
The Baths_failednightmare | 1 |
The Baths_played | 2 |
The Baths_playednightmare | 2 |
The Baths_riftpointslost | 5 |
The Baths_riftpointslostnightmare | 5 |
The Baths_score | 45338 |
The Baths_scorenightmare | 63682 |
The Baths_skulls | 5 |
The Baths_skullsnightmare | 3 |
The Baths_time | 438 |
The Baths_timenightmare | 374 |
The Baths_won | 2 |
The Baths_wonnightmare | 1 |
The Bridge_played | 1 |
The Bridge_riftpointslost | 11 |
The Bridge_score | 31313 |
The Bridge_skulls | 2 |
The Bridge_time | 870 |
The Bridge_won | 1 |
The Corner 2_played | 2 |
The Corner 2_playednightmare | 1 |
The Corner 2_riftpointslostnightmare | 2 |
The Corner 2_score | 43689 |
The Corner 2_scorenightmare | 75454 |
The Corner 2_skulls | 4 |
The Corner 2_skullsnightmare | 4 |
The Corner 2_time | 398 |
The Corner 2_timenightmare | 350 |
The Corner 2_won | 2 |
The Corner 2_wonnightmare | 1 |
The Fork_failednightmare | 11 |
The Fork_played | 2 |
The Fork_playednightmare | 12 |
The Fork_riftpointslostnightmare | 3 |
The Fork_score | 34712 |
The Fork_scorenightmare | 52088 |
The Fork_skulls | 5 |
The Fork_skullsnightmare | 3 |
The Fork_time | 257 |
The Fork_timenightmare | 261 |
The Fork_won | 2 |
The Fork_wonnightmare | 1 |
The Squeeze_played | 1 |
The Squeeze_riftpointslost | 2 |
The Squeeze_score | 75161 |
The Squeeze_skulls | 2 |
The Squeeze_time | 1004 |
The Squeeze_won | 1 |
totalkills | 16811 |
Tower_played | 1 |
Tower_score | 50578 |
Tower_skulls | 2 |
Tower_time | 937 |
Tower_won | 1 |
Twin Halls_played | 3 |
Twin Halls_riftpointslost | 10 |
Twin Halls_score | 53676 |
Twin Halls_skulls | 4 |
Twin Halls_time | 501 |
Twin Halls_won | 3 |
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