Name | Wert |
Chaos Chamber_failed | 2 |
Chaos Chamber_played | 3 |
Chaos Chamber_riftpointslost | 18 |
Chaos Chamber_score | 36761 |
Chaos Chamber_skulls | 2 |
Chaos Chamber_time | 618 |
Chaos Chamber_won | 1 |
Chokepoint_played | 1 |
Chokepoint_riftpointslost | 20 |
Chokepoint_score | 60293 |
Chokepoint_skulls | 2 |
Chokepoint_time | 580 |
Chokepoint_won | 1 |
Corner_played | 1 |
Corner_playednightmare | 1 |
Corner_score | 42359 |
Corner_scorenightmare | 58252 |
Corner_skulls | 4 |
Corner_skullsnightmare | 5 |
Corner_time | 402 |
Corner_timenightmare | 373 |
Corner_won | 1 |
Corner_wonnightmare | 1 |
Finale_played | 1 |
Finale_riftpointslost | 25 |
Finale_score | 67566 |
Finale_skulls | 3 |
Finale_time | 968 |
Finale_won | 1 |
Gateway_played | 1 |
Gateway_riftpointslost | 1 |
Gateway_score | 72193 |
Gateway_skulls | 4 |
Gateway_time | 787 |
Gateway_won | 1 |
Hallway_played | 1 |
Hallway_playednightmare | 1 |
Hallway_score | 24164 |
Hallway_scorenightmare | 34203 |
Hallway_skulls | 5 |
Hallway_skullsnightmare | 5 |
Hallway_time | 210 |
Hallway_timenightmare | 196 |
Hallway_won | 1 |
Hallway_wonnightmare | 1 |
Hard Climb_played | 1 |
Hard Climb_score | 74431 |
Hard Climb_skulls | 5 |
Hard Climb_time | 934 |
Hard Climb_won | 1 |
Killing Fields_failed | 4 |
Killing Fields_played | 6 |
Killing Fields_restarted | 1 |
Killing Fields_riftpointslost | 24 |
Killing Fields_score | 98211 |
Killing Fields_skulls | 2 |
Killing Fields_time | 956 |
Killing Fields_won | 1 |
Library_failed | 2 |
Library_played | 5 |
Library_restarted | 1 |
Library_riftpointslost | 14 |
Library_score | 59518 |
Library_skulls | 3 |
Library_time | 581 |
Library_won | 1 |
Lunch Break_played | 1 |
Lunch Break_riftpointslost | 10 |
Lunch Break_score | 58197 |
Lunch Break_skulls | 3 |
Lunch Break_time | 755 |
Lunch Break_won | 1 |
Overpass_failednightmare | 2 |
Overpass_played | 1 |
Overpass_playednightmare | 4 |
Overpass_restartednightmare | 2 |
Overpass_score | 39967 |
Overpass_skulls | 5 |
Overpass_time | 345 |
Overpass_won | 1 |
Rebirth_played | 1 |
Rebirth_riftpointslost | 3 |
Rebirth_score | 45781 |
Rebirth_skulls | 4 |
Rebirth_time | 604 |
Rebirth_won | 1 |
Sludge Hole_failed | 1 |
Sludge Hole_played | 2 |
Sludge Hole_riftpointslost | 1 |
Sludge Hole_score | 41813 |
Sludge Hole_skulls | 4 |
Sludge Hole_time | 436 |
Sludge Hole_won | 1 |
Stairs of Doom_played | 1 |
Stairs of Doom_riftpointslost | 14 |
Stairs of Doom_score | 123749 |
Stairs of Doom_skulls | 3 |
Stairs of Doom_time | 939 |
Stairs of Doom_won | 1 |
Stream_played | 1 |
Stream_riftpointslost | 4 |
Stream_score | 48075 |
Stream_skulls | 3 |
Stream_time | 710 |
Stream_won | 1 |
The Arena_played | 2 |
The Arena_restarted | 1 |
The Arena_riftpointslost | 10 |
The Arena_score | 57041 |
The Arena_skulls | 3 |
The Arena_time | 485 |
The Arena_won | 1 |
The Baths_played | 1 |
The Baths_playednightmare | 1 |
The Baths_riftpointslost | 5 |
The Baths_riftpointslostnightmare | 1 |
The Baths_score | 34805 |
The Baths_scorenightmare | 38671 |
The Baths_skulls | 4 |
The Baths_skullsnightmare | 4 |
The Baths_time | 417 |
The Baths_timenightmare | 417 |
The Baths_won | 1 |
The Baths_wonnightmare | 1 |
The Bridge_played | 1 |
The Bridge_riftpointslost | 25 |
The Bridge_score | 55807 |
The Bridge_skulls | 2 |
The Bridge_time | 894 |
The Bridge_won | 1 |
The Corner 2_played | 1 |
The Corner 2_playednightmare | 1 |
The Corner 2_riftpointslostnightmare | 4 |
The Corner 2_score | 40163 |
The Corner 2_scorenightmare | 54900 |
The Corner 2_skulls | 4 |
The Corner 2_skullsnightmare | 3 |
The Corner 2_time | 405 |
The Corner 2_timenightmare | 362 |
The Corner 2_won | 1 |
The Corner 2_wonnightmare | 1 |
The Fork_played | 1 |
The Fork_playednightmare | 1 |
The Fork_riftpointslostnightmare | 5 |
The Fork_score | 28471 |
The Fork_scorenightmare | 34464 |
The Fork_skulls | 5 |
The Fork_skullsnightmare | 2 |
The Fork_time | 269 |
The Fork_timenightmare | 261 |
The Fork_won | 1 |
The Fork_wonnightmare | 1 |
The Squeeze_failed | 1 |
The Squeeze_played | 3 |
The Squeeze_restarted | 1 |
The Squeeze_riftpointslost | 12 |
The Squeeze_score | 133671 |
The Squeeze_skulls | 3 |
The Squeeze_time | 1073 |
The Squeeze_won | 1 |
totalkills | 12556 |
Tower_played | 1 |
Tower_riftpointslost | 20 |
Tower_score | 77449 |
Tower_skulls | 1 |
Tower_time | 1002 |
Tower_won | 1 |
Twin Halls_played | 1 |
Twin Halls_riftpointslost | 1 |
Twin Halls_score | 48917 |
Twin Halls_skulls | 4 |
Twin Halls_time | 606 |
Twin Halls_won | 1 |
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