Name | Wert |
5_jobs_in_a_row-progress | 5 |
999_km_with_each_brand-progress | 6 |
be_border_crossings-progress | 2 |
be_landmarks-progress | 3 |
be_visit_cities-progress | 0 |
fr_visit_cities-progress | 23 |
fr_visit_corsica-progress | 1 |
hc_1000xps-progress | 390 |
hc_allcargos-progress | 4 |
ib_cutscenes-progress | 5 |
ib_visit_cities-progress | 11 |
it_roads_to_rome-progress | 0 |
it_visit_cities-progress | 23 |
it_visit_sardinia-progress | 1 |
it_volcanoes-progress | 1 |
job_15_companies-progress | 15 |
jobs_30_cargo-progress | 30 |
sc_quarries_cargo-progress | 1 |
sc_visit_cities-progress | 26 |
st_all_cargos-progress | 1 |
st_no_damage-progress | 0 |
Bild | Name | Wert |
Northern Lights
| 3.23€ | |
Crystal Dimension
| 1.55€ | |
Poland - Pennant
| 0.65€ | |
Under the Bridge
| 0.62€ | |
Viking Warrior
| 0.53€ | |
On top of the world
| 0.43€ | |
Shepherd Bobblehead
| 0.32€ | |
Switzerland - Pennant
| 0.27€ | |
Italy - Pennant
| 0.23€ | |
Brandenburg Gate
| 0.19€ | |
| 0.17€ | |
Golden Stag
| 0.17€ | |
Magic Time
| 0.16€ | |
Austria - Pennant
| 0.15€ | |
Hungary - Pennant
| 0.1€ | |
Snowman Trucker
| 0.08€ | |
Plush Bear
| 0.07€ | |
ETRC - Pennant
| 0.05€ | |
Pace Pete
| 0.05€ | |
Polar Beast
| 0.05€ | |
Krone - Pennant
| 0.02€ | |
Goodyear - Pennant
| 0.02€ | |
Xmas Ball
| 0.02€ |
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