Name | Wert |
acquired_lowgradefuel | 1133 |
acquired_metal.ore | 16294 |
acquired_scrap | 1732 |
arrow_fired | 1268 |
arrow_hit_bear | 112 |
arrow_hit_boar | 70 |
arrow_hit_building | 133 |
arrow_hit_chicken | 1 |
arrow_hit_entity | 128 |
arrow_hit_horse | 59 |
arrow_hit_player | 121 |
arrow_hit_stag | 57 |
arrow_hit_wolf | 20 |
arrows_shot | 137 |
blueprint_studied | 394 |
bullet_fired | 2689 |
bullet_hit_bear | 52 |
bullet_hit_boar | 23 |
bullet_hit_building | 389 |
bullet_hit_corpse | 6 |
bullet_hit_entity | 205 |
bullet_hit_horse | 12 |
bullet_hit_player | 434 |
bullet_hit_playercorpse | 10 |
bullet_hit_sign | 1 |
bullet_hit_stag | 20 |
bullet_hit_wolf | 26 |
calories_consumed | 17757.7734375 |
cold_exposure_duration | 3356.8605957031 |
comfort_duration | 7808.3911132812 |
death_bear | 7 |
death_entity | 20 |
death_fall | 3 |
death_suicide | 80 |
death_wolf | 5 |
deaths | 285 |
destroyed_barrels | 440 |
gesture_wave_count | 3 |
harvest.bone_fragments | 101 |
harvest.cloth | 4924 |
harvest.fat_animal | 22 |
harvest.humanmeat_raw | 3 |
harvest.metal_ore | 174 |
harvest.stones | 103942 |
harvest.sulfur_ore | 44 |
harvest.wolfmeat_raw | 9 |
harvest.wood | 212264 |
harvested_cloth | 572 |
harvested_leather | 264 |
harvested_stones | 18614 |
harvested_wood | 20040 |
headshot | 109 |
horse_distance_ridden | 3882 |
horse_distance_ridden_km | 3 |
hot_exposure_duration | 2113.7104492188 |
InstrumentFullKeyboardMode | 1 |
InstrumentNotesPlayed | 363 |
InstrumentNotesPlayedBinds | 21 |
item_drop | 1099 |
kill_bear | 17 |
kill_boar | 52 |
kill_chicken | 4 |
kill_horse | 22 |
kill_player | 80 |
kill_scientist | 5 |
kill_stag | 43 |
kill_wolf | 21 |
MAP_OPENED | 2979 |
melee_strikes | 6105 |
melee_thrown | 22 |
ORE_HIT | 26 |
pickup_category_food | 13 |
placed_blocks | 607 |
radiation_exposure_duration | 620.81103515625 |
seconds_speaking | 22.518167495728 |
shotgun_fired | 136 |
shotgun_hit_building | 28 |
shotgun_hit_entity | 2 |
shotgun_hit_player | 8 |
topology_road_duration | 1915 |
TREE_HIT | 133 |
upgraded_blocks | 253 |
water_consumed | 5895.4848632812 |
waved_at_players | 2 |
wounded | 160 |
wounded_assisted | 15 |
wounded_healed | 13 |
Bild | Name | Wert |
Fresh Brain
| 14.68€ | |
Pixel Sword
| 2.32€ | |
The Rust Knight
| 1.77€ | |
| 0.68€ | |
Gun Box
| 0.24€ | |
First Aid Green
| 0.24€ | |
| 0.21€ | |
One Sided Town Sign Post
| 0.19€ | |
| 0.12€ | |
| 0.09€ | |
Green Beenie Hat
| 0.09€ | |
Grey Longsleeve T-Shirt
| 0.08€ | |
Ninja Suit
| N.A. | |
Conquistador Chest Plate
| N.A. | |
Conquistador Face Mask
| N.A. | |
Big Chase's God Bow
| N.A. | |
The Accident Book
| N.A. | |
Frog Boots
| N.A. | |
Brit Wooden Door
| N.A. | |
Garry's Mod Tool Gun
| N.A. |
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