Name | Wert |
acquired_lowgradefuel | 2963 |
acquired_metal.ore | 63385 |
acquired_scrap | 14132 |
arrow_fired | 2818 |
arrow_hit_bear | 56 |
arrow_hit_boar | 55 |
arrow_hit_building | 934 |
arrow_hit_chicken | 2 |
arrow_hit_entity | 336 |
arrow_hit_horse | 25 |
arrow_hit_player | 321 |
arrow_hit_stag | 47 |
arrow_hit_wolf | 15 |
arrows_shot | 170 |
blueprint_studied | 2213 |
bullet_fired | 51285 |
bullet_hit_bear | 871 |
bullet_hit_boar | 287 |
bullet_hit_building | 19863 |
bullet_hit_corpse | 297 |
bullet_hit_entity | 13351 |
bullet_hit_horse | 340 |
bullet_hit_player | 4824 |
bullet_hit_playercorpse | 416 |
bullet_hit_sign | 368 |
bullet_hit_stag | 309 |
bullet_hit_wolf | 99 |
calories_consumed | 35804.5859375 |
cold_exposure_duration | 37714.765625 |
comfort_duration | 15970.421875 |
death_bear | 9 |
death_entity | 57 |
death_fall | 34 |
death_selfinflicted | 10 |
death_suicide | 156 |
death_wolf | 2 |
deaths | 612 |
destroyed_barrels | 291 |
harvest.bone_fragments | 1326 |
harvest.cloth | 8067 |
harvest.fat_animal | 2145 |
harvest.humanmeat_raw | 140 |
harvest.metal_ore | 4359 |
harvest.stones | 36149 |
harvest.sulfur_ore | 1600 |
harvest.wolfmeat_raw | 1162 |
harvest.wood | 155188 |
headshot | 1020 |
hot_exposure_duration | 5495.5908203125 |
item_drop | 9183 |
kill_bear | 102 |
kill_boar | 185 |
kill_chicken | 30 |
kill_horse | 150 |
kill_player | 988 |
kill_stag | 205 |
kill_wolf | 39 |
MAP_OPENED | 346 |
melee_strikes | 6251 |
melee_thrown | 12 |
placed_blocks | 13866 |
radiation_exposure_duration | 359.05297851562 |
seconds_speaking | 2.8140752315521 |
shotgun_fired | 6134 |
shotgun_hit_building | 1816 |
shotgun_hit_entity | 1319 |
shotgun_hit_horse | 26 |
shotgun_hit_player | 742 |
topology_road_duration | 2575 |
upgraded_blocks | 5219 |
water_consumed | 10649.954101562 |
wounded | 361 |
wounded_assisted | 216 |
wounded_healed | 109 |
Bild | Name | Wert |
Ghostly Flame
| 10.41€ | |
Phantom AK
| 6.72€ | |
Telogreika Jacket
| 4.87€ | |
Potty Door
| 4.26€ | |
Night Stalker Kilt
| 3.85€ | |
Braineater Hammer
| 3.34€ | |
Peacemaker Box
| 2.85€ | |
Urban Ice Hoodie
| 2.69€ | |
T-Bone AK47
| 2.21€ | |
House of Horror
| 2.16€ | |
CCSC Gloves
| 1.3€ | |
Whaleman Chestplate
| 1.22€ | |
CCSC Pants
| 1.14€ | |
Elder's Metal Facemask
| 1.02€ | |
| 0.97€ | |
Bogeyman LR300
| 0.78€ | |
CCSC Hoodie
| 0.69€ | |
Old Prisoner Pants
| 0.56€ | |
Ammo Wooden Box
| 0.21€ | |
| 0.12€ | |
Desert Jacket
| 0.1€ | |
Forest Camo Pants
| 0.09€ | |
The Accident Book
| N.A. | |
Frog Boots
| N.A. |
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