Name | Wert |
acquired_lowgradefuel | 16545 |
acquired_metal.ore | 1969959 |
acquired_scrap | 25645 |
arrow_fired | 828 |
arrow_hit_bear | 50 |
arrow_hit_boar | 58 |
arrow_hit_building | 86 |
arrow_hit_chicken | 5 |
arrow_hit_entity | 212 |
arrow_hit_horse | 69 |
arrow_hit_player | 38 |
arrow_hit_stag | 17 |
arrow_hit_wolf | 24 |
arrows_shot | 194 |
bags_unclaimed | 1 |
blueprint_studied | 770 |
bullet_fired | 15395 |
bullet_hit_bear | 497 |
bullet_hit_boar | 146 |
bullet_hit_building | 3160 |
bullet_hit_corpse | 111 |
bullet_hit_entity | 2297 |
bullet_hit_horse | 162 |
bullet_hit_player | 1628 |
bullet_hit_playercorpse | 226 |
bullet_hit_sign | 5 |
bullet_hit_stag | 13 |
bullet_hit_wolf | 176 |
calories_consumed | 75654.9140625 |
cold_exposure_duration | 69950.65625 |
comfort_duration | 80739.6328125 |
death_bear | 9 |
death_entity | 76 |
death_fall | 7 |
death_selfinflicted | 9 |
death_suicide | 84 |
death_wolf | 17 |
deaths | 459 |
destroyed_barrels | 3332 |
grenades_thrown | 50 |
harvest.cloth | 6190 |
harvest.stones | 24683 |
harvest.wood | 315989 |
headshot | 652 |
horse_distance_ridden | 56101 |
horse_distance_ridden_km | 50 |
hot_exposure_duration | 4458.427734375 |
InstrumentFullKeyboardMode | 4 |
InstrumentNotesPlayed | 5548 |
InstrumentNotesPlayedBinds | 809 |
item_drop | 5869 |
kill_bear | 21 |
kill_boar | 9 |
kill_chicken | 12 |
kill_player | 485 |
kill_scientist | 218 |
kill_stag | 6 |
kill_wolf | 5 |
MAP_OPENED | 5512 |
melee_strikes | 19837 |
melee_thrown | 35 |
ORE_HIT | 18993 |
pipes_connected | 85 |
placed_blocks | 9139 |
radiation_exposure_duration | 1240.3237304688 |
rocket_fired | 36 |
seconds_speaking | 1146.2255859375 |
shotgun_fired | 1289 |
shotgun_hit_building | 472 |
shotgun_hit_entity | 189 |
shotgun_hit_player | 112 |
topology_road_duration | 14550 |
TREE_HIT | 5067 |
upgraded_blocks | 7927 |
water_consumed | 24255.818359375 |
wires_connected | 222 |
wounded | 203 |
wounded_assisted | 28 |
wounded_healed | 16 |
Bild | Name | Wert |
Fish Hammer
| 1.45€ | |
Black Gold MP5
| 1.19€ | |
Frostwulf Mask
| 0.8€ | |
Frostwulf Armor
| 0.59€ | |
Frosty Helmet
| 0.46€ | |
First Aid Green
| 0.24€ | |
Gun Box
| 0.24€ | |
Ammo Wooden Box
| 0.21€ | |
Two Sided Ornate Hanging Sign
| 0.21€ | |
Blue Beenie Hat
| 0.09€ | |
Arctic Pack
| N.A. | |
Guardian of Easter Hoodie
| N.A. | |
Pookie Pants
| N.A. | |
Frog Boots
| N.A. | |
Guardian of Easter Pants
| N.A. | |
Industrial Lights
| N.A. | |
Garry's Mod Tool Gun
| N.A. | |
Shadowborn Large Box
| N.A. |
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