Name | Wert |
GamesCompleted | 74 |
GamesCompletedWithClanBandit | 4 |
GamesCompletedWithClanBear | 4 |
GamesCompletedWithClanRabbit | 11 |
GamesCompletedWithClanRat | 10 |
GamesCompletedWithClanWolf | 10 |
GamesCompletedWithHeroBandit01 | 1 |
GamesCompletedWithHeroBandit02 | 1 |
GamesCompletedWithHeroBandit03 | 1 |
GamesCompletedWithHeroBandit04 | 1 |
GamesCompletedWithHeroBear01 | 1 |
GamesCompletedWithHeroBear02 | 1 |
GamesCompletedWithHeroBear03 | 1 |
GamesCompletedWithHeroBear04 | 1 |
GamesCompletedWithHeroRabbit01 | 3 |
GamesCompletedWithHeroRabbit02 | 5 |
GamesCompletedWithHeroRabbit03 | 1 |
GamesCompletedWithHeroRabbit04 | 2 |
GamesCompletedWithHeroRat01 | 3 |
GamesCompletedWithHeroRat02 | 1 |
GamesCompletedWithHeroRat03 | 5 |
GamesCompletedWithHeroRat04 | 1 |
GamesCompletedWithHeroWolf01 | 1 |
GamesCompletedWithHeroWolf02 | 2 |
GamesCompletedWithHeroWolf03 | 1 |
GamesCompletedWithHeroWolf04 | 6 |
Rank_15 | 2 |
RankProgress_15 | 4 |
SpiritStoneVictoriesWithClanBandit | 1 |
SpiritStoneVictoriesWithClanRabbit | 1 |
SpiritStoneVictoriesWithClanRat | 1 |
TotalFinish | 4 |
TotalLose | 2 |
TotalLoseStreak | 1 |
TotalWin | 2 |
TotalWinStreak | 0 |
UniqueClanSpiritStoneVictories | 3 |
UniqueHeroGamesCompleted | 20 |
WinsWithClanBandit | 4 |
WinsWithClanBear | 3 |
WinsWithClanRabbit | 9 |
WinsWithClanRat | 8 |
WinsWithClanWolf | 7 |
WinsWithCombat | 4 |
WinsWithPrestige | 51 |
WinsWithRot | 2 |
WinsWithSpiritStones | 5 |
Bild | Name | Wert |
Summer Solstice Dice
| 0.26€ | |
Jester's Ruse Dice
2x |
0.48€ |
Evergreen Dice
| 0.07€ | |
Morning Star Dice
2x |
0.1€ |
Ancients' Gambit Dice
| 0.05€ | |
War Chest
2x |
0.08€ |
Spirit Solstice Dice
| 0.03€ | |
Wine Cloud Dice
| 0.01€ | |
Honey Cloud Dice
| 0.01€ | |
Sanguine Bleed Dice
| 0.01€ | |
Fuchsia Fold Dice
| 0.01€ | |
Classic Dice
| N.A. | |
Rabbit Clan Dice
| N.A. | |
The King Part Two
| N.A. | |
| N.A. | |
Bear Clan Dice
| N.A. | |
Royal Dice
| N.A. | |
| N.A. | |
The King Part One
| N.A. | |
Wolf Clan Dice
| N.A. | |
Bandit Clan Dice
| N.A. | |
Rat Clan Dice
| N.A. | |
| N.A. | |
| N.A. |
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