Name | Wert |
DeadeyeEnfield | 6 |
DeadeyeG43 | 4 |
DeadeyeGarand | 3 |
DeadeyeK98 | 8 |
DeadeyeSpringfield | 8 |
SteamStatVersion | 1 |
TotalBayonetKills | 5 |
TotalBayonetKillsAll | 5 |
TotalBoltActionKills | 88 |
TotalBoltActionKillsAll | 89 |
TotalBoltActionKillsCoop | 1 |
TotalCachesDestroyedAll | 1 |
TotalCachesDestroyedCoop | 1 |
TotalCaptures | 32 |
TotalCapturesAll | 44 |
TotalCapturesCoop | 12 |
TotalFlameThrowerKills | 66 |
TotalFlameThrowerKillsAll | 76 |
TotalFlameThrowerKillsCoop | 10 |
TotalFullAutomaticKills | 140 |
TotalFullAutomaticKillsAll | 195 |
TotalFullAutomaticKillsCoop | 55 |
TotalGrenadeKills | 36 |
TotalGrenadeKillsAll | 38 |
TotalGrenadeKillsCoop | 2 |
TotalKills | 889 |
TotalKillsAll | 1176 |
TotalKillsCoop | 287 |
TotalMachineGunKills | 88 |
TotalMachineGunKillsAll | 130 |
TotalMachineGunKillsCoop | 42 |
TotalSemiAutomaticKills | 44 |
TotalSemiAutomaticKillsAll | 51 |
TotalSemiAutomaticKillsCoop | 7 |
TotalSniperKills | 38 |
TotalSniperKillsAll | 51 |
TotalSniperKillsCoop | 13 |
UnlockEtoolAx | 1 |
UnlockEtoolCo | 1 |
UnlockEtoolUS | 3 |
VeteranEnfield | 75 |
VeteranG43 | 63 |
VeteranGarand | 33 |
VeteranK98 | 82 |
VeteranSpringfield | 43 |
Bild | Name | Wert |
28th Infantry Division
| 0.03€ | |
272nd Volksgrenadier Division
| 0.03€ | |
1. Infanterie-Division
| 0.03€ | |
Seaforth Highlanders of Canada
| 0.03€ | |
3rd Panzergrenadier Division
| 0.03€ | |
82nd Airborne, 505th PIR
| 0.02€ | |
29th Panzergrenadier Division
| 0.02€ | |
The Black Watch
| 0.02€ | |
1st Panzer Division
| 0.02€ | |
Royal Hamilton Light Infantry
| 0.01€ | |
1. Fallschirmjager-Division
| 0.01€ | |
15th Panzergrenadier Division
| 0.01€ | |
Grenadier Guards
| 0.01€ | |
Royal Fusiliers
| 0.01€ | |
101st Airborne Division
2x |
0.02€ |
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