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Statistiken für Here's Johnny


#8367 nach Gesamtspielzeit
Level: 10

1 Dota 2
AppID: 570
0€ 0€ 640.67
2 Counter-Strike: Source
AppID: 240
9.75€ 0.03€ 309.83
58 / 147
3 Call of Duty: Black Ops
AppID: 42700
39.99€ 0.33€ 122.4
5 / 68
4 Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
AppID: 320
4.99€ 0.05€ 96.68
5 Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance
AppID: 9420
9.99€ 0.67€ 15.25
6 Company of Heroes
AppID: 228200
12.99€ 1.44€ 9.15
7 Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Zombies
AppID: 212910
N.A. N.A. 8.6
1 / 50
8 Age of Empires II (2013)
AppID: 221380
19.99€ 2.5€ 8.42
15 / 320
9 Call of Duty: Ghosts - Multiplayer
AppID: 209170
59.99€ 15€ 4.83
2 / 51
10 Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® 3 (2011)
AppID: 42680
39.99€ 10€ 4.37
3 / 76
11 Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Multiplayer
AppID: 202990
59.99€ 20€ 3.82
1 / 5
12 Aliens: Colonial Marines Collection
AppID: 49540
29.99€ 10€ 3.15
9 / 60
13 Supreme Commander
AppID: 9350
9.99€ 5€ 2.1
14 Company of Heroes - Legacy Edition
AppID: 4560
12.99€ 6.5€ 2.05
15 Arma 2
AppID: 33910
9.99€ 9.99€ 1.87
16 Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead
AppID: 33930
14.99€ 14.99€ 1.45
17 Half-Life 2
AppID: 220
9.75€ 9.75€ 1.15
3 / 69
18 Age of Empires® III (2007)
AppID: 105450
36.99€ N.A. 0.47
19 Call of Duty: Ghosts
AppID: 209160
59.99€ N.A. 0.3
0 / 40
20 Call of Duty: Black Ops - Multiplayer
AppID: 42710
39.99€ N.A. 0.13
0 / 3
21 Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® 3 (2011) - Multiplayer
AppID: 42690
N.A. N.A. 0.05
22 Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor
AppID: 20540
19.99€ N.A. 0.02
23 Call of Duty: Black Ops II
AppID: 202970
59.99€ N.A. 0.02
0 / 35
24 Dino D-Day
AppID: 70000
9.99€ N.A. 0
0 / 77
25 Arma 2: DayZ Mod
AppID: 224580
0€ N.A. 0
26 Day of Defeat: Source
AppID: 300
9.75€ N.A. 0
1 / 54
27 Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead Beta (Obsolete)
AppID: 219540
N.A. N.A. 0
28 Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
AppID: 340
N.A. N.A. 0
29 Half-Life 2: Episode One
AppID: 380
7.79€ N.A. 0
0 / 13
30 Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts
AppID: 9340
14.99€ N.A. 0
31 Dota 2 Test
AppID: 205790
N.A. N.A. 0
32 Half-Life 2: Episode Two
AppID: 420
6.59€ N.A. 0
0 / 23
33 Arma 2: British Armed Forces
AppID: 65700
6.99€ N.A. 0
34 Arma 2: Private Military Company
AppID: 65720
6.99€ N.A. 0
35 Portal
AppID: 400
9.75€ N.A. 0
0 / 15