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Statistiken für NZ0


#9564 nach Gesamtspielzeit
Level: 10

1 Counter-Strike
AppID: 10
8.19€ 0.02€ 474.92
2 Counter-Strike: Source
AppID: 240
9.75€ 0.06€ 162.58
66 / 147
3 Audiosurf
AppID: 12900
9.75€ 0.46€ 21.7
5 / 19
4 Half-Life 2
AppID: 220
9.75€ 0.98€ 10.1
19 / 69
5 Zeno Clash
AppID: 22200
9.99€ 2.5€ 4.7
5 / 22
6 Half-Life 2: Episode Two
AppID: 420
6.59€ 1.65€ 4.35
13 / 23
7 TrackMania United Forever
AppID: 7200
29.99€ 10€ 3.78
8 Half-Life 2: Episode One
AppID: 380
7.79€ 2.6€ 3.13
5 / 13
9 Left 4 Dead
AppID: 500
9.75€ 4.88€ 2.47
24 / 73
10 Counter-Strike 2
AppID: 730
0€ 0€ 2.47
22 / 168
11 Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes
AppID: 100
8.19€ 8.19€ 1.63
12 ShootMania Storm
AppID: 229870
19.99€ 19.99€ 1.47
13 Portal
AppID: 400
9.75€ 9.75€ 1.12
4 / 15
14 World of Goo
AppID: 22000
12.49€ 12.49€ 1.07
0 / 8
15 Mirror's Edge
AppID: 17410
19.99€ N.A. 0.88
16 Garry's Mod
AppID: 4000
9.99€ N.A. 0.88
1 / 29
17 Eternal Silence
AppID: 17550
0€ N.A. 0.5
18 Half-Life
AppID: 70
8.19€ N.A. 0.48
19 Team Fortress 2
AppID: 440
0€ N.A. 0.45
5 / 520
20 Counter-Strike: Condition Zero
AppID: 80
8.19€ N.A. 0.43
21 Day of Defeat: Source
AppID: 300
9.75€ N.A. 0.35
1 / 54
22 Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
AppID: 320
4.99€ N.A. 0.22
23 Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Single Player
AppID: 2100
4.99€ N.A. 0.18
24 Crysis 2 Maximum Edition
AppID: 108800
29.99€ N.A. 0
25 Medal of Honor(TM) Multiplayer
AppID: 47830
19.99€ N.A. 0
26 Medal of Honor(TM) Single Player
AppID: 47790
19.99€ N.A. 0
27 Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
AppID: 24740
N.A. N.A. 0
28 Team Fortress Classic
AppID: 20
4.99€ N.A. 0
29 Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
AppID: 340
N.A. N.A. 0
30 Dead Space (2008)
AppID: 17470
19.99€ N.A. 0
31 Half-Life: Blue Shift
AppID: 130
4.99€ N.A. 0
32 Day of Defeat
AppID: 30
4.99€ N.A. 0
33 Ricochet
AppID: 60
4.99€ N.A. 0
34 Half-Life: Opposing Force
AppID: 50
4.99€ N.A. 0
35 Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Multi-Player
AppID: 2130
4.99€ N.A. 0
36 Deathmatch Classic
AppID: 40
4.99€ N.A. 0