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Statistiken für CaeR


#3264 nach Gesamtspielzeit
Level: 12

1 Dota 2
AppID: 570
0€ 0€ 5113.67
2 Europa Universalis IV
AppID: 236850
49.99€ 0.1€ 487.13
6 / 373
3 Sid Meier's Civilization V
AppID: 8930
29.99€ 0.23€ 129.88
35 / 287
4 Rust
AppID: 252490
39.99€ 0.47€ 86.1
0 / 93
5 Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
AppID: 204880
19.5€ 0.49€ 40.13
22 / 68
6 Europa Universalis III
AppID: 25800
14.99€ 0.38€ 39.57
7 Risen 3 - Titan Lords
AppID: 249230
14.99€ 0.47€ 32.7
27 / 50
8 Plants vs. Zombies: Game of the Year
AppID: 3590
4.99€ 0.16€ 31.58
6 / 21
9 Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth
AppID: 65980
39.99€ 1.38€ 29.82
10 / 90
10 Counter-Strike 2
AppID: 730
0€ 0€ 22.78
55 / 168
11 Railroad Tycoon 3
AppID: 7610
9.99€ 0.56€ 18.75
12 Anno 2070
AppID: 48240
19.99€ 1.43€ 14.6
13 Age of Empires II (2013)
AppID: 221380
19.99€ 2€ 10.1
15 / 320
14 Pro Evolution Soccer 2014
AppID: 250870
N.A. N.A. 10.03
15 Worms Revolution
AppID: 200170
41.99€ 5.25€ 8.82
6 / 34
16 Terraria
AppID: 105600
9.75€ 1.22€ 8.52
0 / 115
17 Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity
AppID: 201290
9.75€ 1.39€ 7
18 Crusader Kings II
AppID: 203770
0€ 0€ 6.18
0 / 161
19 Counter-Strike
AppID: 10
8.19€ 1.64€ 5.67
20 Risen
AppID: 40300
14.99€ 3.75€ 4.77
0 / 50
21 Trine 2
AppID: 35720
19.99€ 6.66€ 3.85
0 / 97
22 Tomb Raider
AppID: 203160
14.99€ 5€ 3.68
4 / 50
23 The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
AppID: 20900
7.99€ 4€ 2.8
24 Total War: EMPIRE - Definitive Edition
AppID: 10500
24.99€ 12.5€ 2.63
2 / 30
25 Sacred 2 Gold
AppID: 225640
14.99€ 7.5€ 2.35
26 Magicka
AppID: 42910
9.99€ 5€ 2.22
13 / 88
27 Enclave
AppID: 253980
9.75€ 9.75€ 1.75
28 Warframe
AppID: 230410
0€ 0€ 1.62
5 / 193
29 Titan Quest: Immortal Throne
AppID: 4550
N.A. N.A. 1.52
30 Gothic 3
AppID: 39500
19.99€ 19.99€ 1.03
31 Fallout 3 - Game of the Year Edition
AppID: 22370
19.99€ 19.99€ 1.03
32 Super Meat Boy
AppID: 40800
13.99€ N.A. 0.73
1 / 48
33 Company of Heroes 2
AppID: 231430
19.99€ N.A. 0.7
0 / 452
34 Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Anniversary Edition
AppID: 4570
29.99€ N.A. 0.68
35 Free to Play
AppID: 245550
0€ N.A. 0.67
0 / 5
36 Hearts of Iron III
AppID: 25890
9.99€ N.A. 0.23
37 Gothic 1 Classic
AppID: 65540
19.99€ N.A. 0.05
38 Titan Quest
AppID: 4540
N.A. N.A. 0.05
39 Gothic II: Gold Classic
AppID: 39510
19.99€ N.A. 0
40 Day of Defeat
AppID: 30
4.99€ N.A. 0
41 Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Winter Assault
AppID: 9310
12.99€ N.A. 0
42 Deathmatch Classic
AppID: 40
4.99€ N.A. 0
43 ArcaniA
AppID: 39690
19.99€ N.A. 0
44 Interstellar Marines
AppID: 236370
7.99€ N.A. 0
0 / 34
45 Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes
AppID: 100
8.19€ N.A. 0
46 Gothic 3 Forsaken Gods Enhanced Edition
AppID: 65600
9.99€ N.A. 0
47 ArcaniA: Fall of Setarrif
AppID: 65610
14.99€ N.A. 0
48 The Stanley Parable
AppID: 221910
14.79€ N.A. 0
0 / 10
49 Ricochet
AppID: 60
4.99€ N.A. 0
50 Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition
AppID: 214950
59.99€ N.A. 0
0 / 188