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Statistiken für Pheabus2K9


Level: 44

1 Steam Replay 2022 1 2023-01-10 11:49:06 77312641
2 Years of Service 12 2010-08-14 03:30:42 45462699
3 Gem Maker 1 2014-12-19 16:37:29 31865551
4 Community Leader 3 2017-06-14 22:04:17 10735389
5 Global Sentinel 5 2015-12-27 09:38:19 7833335
6 Steam Awards Nomination Committee 2017 1 2017-11-23 11:27:30 3965627
7 Steam Awards Nomination Committee 2019 1 2019-11-27 02:20:35 3732386
8 Community Contributor 9 2020-10-24 18:59:50 1994106
9 Game Mechanic 393 2023-05-09 17:10:16 1982761
10 Spammer 1 2013-12-26 09:03:14 1747736
11 Steam Holiday Sale 2011 3 2011-12-31 19:40:16 1606630
12 Monster Summer Badge 96001965 2015-06-20 15:59:43 1434089
13 I'm A Potato! 1 2014-06-27 07:36:24 1342276
14 CL4P-TP 1 2015-09-10 14:16:15 1101737
15 Sticker Completionist 1 2017-07-04 01:22:42 1071847
16 Infection 2 2014-06-02 01:26:56 777369
17 Adventure found me… 1 2014-12-21 13:43:38 728828
18 Scouting Badge 1 2016-01-03 02:49:06 643624
19 City 17 1 2014-12-21 13:57:37 641969
20 Control Point Commando 2 2014-06-25 01:23:29 616925
21 Red Herring 1 2016-01-01 00:16:43 566236
22 Little Pig! 1 2015-12-12 20:17:45 501221
23 A guy who knows a guy who knows Geralt 1 2013-12-18 13:49:00 460342
24 Summer Picnic Lvl 2 2 2016-07-04 05:47:36 442393
25 STANDARD 1 2017-06-24 02:16:05 400061
26 Bruce Wayne 1 2015-12-28 06:56:18 388873
27 A New Day 1 2014-07-13 02:08:24 381353
28 Clown Prince of Crime 1 2015-07-05 20:06:41 369650
29 Steam Awards Lvl 3 3 2017-01-01 04:50:05 369258
30 Summer Sale 2015 2 2015-06-21 14:48:28 363116
31 Silver Star 1 2015-12-29 22:15:51 338001
32 Warhammer 1 2016-01-03 02:52:47 325979
33 Agent 1 2015-12-30 19:58:43 325053
34 Rusty Iron 1 2014-12-19 06:14:36 321020
35 Steel 2 2014-06-23 03:43:20 298445
36 Rookie 1 2014-12-19 06:14:58 293230
37 Stray Dogs 1 2017-08-12 18:53:59 276316
38 Salien Rank 3 9 2018-06-26 13:38:39 273950
39 Steel Batarang 1 2017-06-24 02:09:45 262340
40 Simple But Persistent 1 2016-01-02 03:39:54 206672
41 Worn 1 2017-06-24 02:13:18 197301
42 Batteries 1 2017-06-25 22:15:34 195894
43 North Pole Noir Lvl 4 4 2016-01-02 22:55:55 186331
44 Lelantos 1 2013-12-24 17:30:15 166877
45 The Bat 1 2017-06-24 02:04:27 152400
46 Steam Summer Adventure 2014 - Red Team 12 2014-06-29 17:00:00 142708
47 Gross 3 2017-06-24 02:05:43 141589
48 Trace 1 2016-01-04 10:12:03 140622
49 Holiday 2014 3 2015-01-01 01:19:06 136208
50 A New Dawn 1 2017-06-24 02:11:30 126919